Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Religious Healthcare Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Strict Healthcare - Research Paper Example This report will address the measures in regards to the vital presentation of Religious Health Care. In regions of progress the center elements of the RHC, the overseeing board can plan on the accompanying five components. They should initially guarantee that the administrations of the nursing get their legitimate arranging in time (Stanhope and Lancaster, 2013). This would consequently diffuse any interference inside the tasks of the medical caretakers since their positions, time and association movement are well all together. Aside from just arranging, they ought to likewise execute and assess to boost the personal satisfaction of the occupants to guarantee they have a quality consideration. The Governing Board ought to likewise observe into that the program for social administrations get earlier consideration. This at that point follows by execution and assessment so as to meet the mental and social needs of the occupants. Therefore, the resident’s inclinations would get en ough consideration and this augments the personal satisfaction and care. Moreover, the program for food ought to be powerful. As like the others, it ought to have great arranging, usage, and assessed so as to fulfill the necessities just as the interests of the occupants in RHC (Institute of Medicine (U.S.), 2003). This would fill in as a measure in the arrangement of the dietary needs of the inhabitants thus amplifying of their life quality and care. ... In conclusion, the board should plan, execute, and assess the pharmaceutical program ahead of time. This would help with supporting the clinical consideration of the occupants coming about to quality consideration available to them. There are different measurements, which the Board of governors can place into utilization to quantify execution of the Religious Healthcare Institution. To begin with, they can keep an eye on the general expense of care. In these measures, the worry is the nature of administrations accommodate by the wellbeing plan (Stanhope and Lancaster, 2013). So as to accomplish its objective on cost of care, data gathering is on high-event and significant expense offices and the checking of the rate pattern in specific perspectives. Along these lines, the clinical administration frequently gets heading towards the board of the expense of arrangement of human services mediations. As a result of this measurement, the clinical manger’s explicit concern is on how his arrangement would wind up costing and this should contrast and individual contenders (Lighter and Fair, 2004). Furthermore, viability of care is another measurement associated with estimation of execution. The general focus in this is the summative clinical consideration given and the outcomes accomplished toward its finish. For instance, the assessment of an eye for a patient with diabetes, screening of bosom malignant growth, the follow up after somebody gets hospitalized for psychological instability and taking care of babies and developing children with all types of contamination. Through this measure, an association would have gotten an evaluation on how powerful it works. Thirdly, the component of anticipating fulfillment with the consideration experience would serve best in estimating the presentation of RHC (Institute of Medicine (U.S.) et al, 2001). In tasks of the organization, this measurement would concentrate on how the

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Interview Between Simon Bolivar and Jose de Sam Martin free essay sample

(Meeting between Simon Bolivar, Jose de San Martin and columnist, , date obscure) Question to Simon Bolivar: Sir, would you be able to disclose to me a tad about yourself? Reaction: I was conceived in Venezuela to incredible riches in 1783. I wedded from the get-go throughout everyday life except my significant other died a little while later and I had numerous sweethearts. I have frequently been called serious, presumptuous, and hyperactive. I am a Creole. Same inquiry to Jose De San Martin Response: I was conceived in Argentina in 1778 to an unassuming family. I am a straightforward unobtrusive man and had one spouse whom I adored beyond a reasonable doubt yet took one sweetheart towards the finish of my last crusade. Question to Bolivar: Once you were triumphant in your wars, what did you plan to pick up other than the freedom of the individuals? Reaction: I especially needed to be the representative or leader of that nation yet lamentably, there were numerous wars to be battled and I must be persistently progressing. We will compose a custom article test on Meeting Between Simon Bolivar and Jose de Sam Martin or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Same inquiry to San Martin: Response: I needed nothing. I was offered respects, grants including rank, positions, land and cash however I needed nothing aside from the freedom of the individuals. Question to Bolivar: It is my understanding that you met with San Martin to talk about the eventual fate of Latin America.Where did this gathering happen and did you believe you were more equipped than San Martin to lead any powers and did you like the man? Reaction: Yes to the powers and no to enjoying the man. We met in Guayaquil, Ecuador on July 26, 1822 Same inquiry to San Martin: Response: I had no motivation at the gathering other than to talk about South America and no, I was not anticipating meeting Bolivar as I had many negative sentiments towards him. We needed various things so I surrendered my soldiers to him. Question to San Martin: It is my understanding you left this gathering rapidly and disillusioned. What transpired?Response: I surrendered my posts after the gathering and came back to Peru. I accepted that these nations were not prepared for vote based system yet rather for now, a sacred government would work better. Bolivar and I differ on numerous features of this discussion. Same inquiry to Bolivar: I assumed responsibility for St. Martin’s troops and immovably accepted that a vote based system was the best approach. Question to Bolivar: What nations would you say you are given kudos for freeing? Reaction: Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia. Same inquiry to San Martin: Response: Argentina, Chili and mutually with Bolivar, Peru End of interview~ (Facts encompassing passing of Simon Bolivar and Jose De San Martin) Simon Bolivar at long last surrendered his administration on April 27, 1830, proposing to leave the nation for oust Europe, potentially in France however he kicked the bucket before heading out. On December 17, 1830, at the age of forty-seven, Bolivar passed on after an excruciating fight with tuberculosis in the Quinta de San Pedro Alejandrin in Santa Marta Gran Colombia (presently Colombia). after 12 years, in line with President Jose Antonio Paez, his remaining parts were moved to Caracas where a landmark was set up for his interment.Jose De San Martin passed on 17 August 1850 in Boulogne-sur-Mer, France. In 1880 his remaining parts were taken from Brunoy to Buenos Aires and reinterred in the Buenos Aires Cathedral. The catacomb likewise has the remaining parts of Generals Juan Gregorio de las Heras and Tomas Guido. (Journalist’s notes) Simon Bolivar had a military foundation. He had a solid inclination towards autonomy for Spanish Americans and was supportive of a delegate government. With his military aptitudes and his craving for transform, he activated help for his motivation. He won military triumphs against many settled in bureaucratic regimes.He had numerous spoilers on account of his administration arrangements. Reputation was essential to him. Jose De San Martin was likewise of a military foundation however of a considerably more humble methods. He additionally had a solid push towards freedom however was supportive of a sacred government as opposed to a just government for the freed provinces. He was adored by his kin and thought of as a caring liberal man. Acknowledgment was immaterial to San Martin. Simon Bolivar, on one hand, attempted to bind together nations however was at last fruitless yet San Martin was just keen on assisting with making republican countries.

Friday, August 7, 2020

CPW Day 1

CPW Day 1 Hi everyone! CPW is in full swing. I havent been this tired in a long, long time. :-) I got here a little after 8AM, worked the registration desk until a little after 8PM, went to the Prefrosh Welcome Event in Rockwell (where Marilee spoke and the Logs sang), picked up some liquid nitrogen ice cream via the Prefrosh Festival on the way back, and Ive been back at the registration desk since a little before 10PM. Ill get out of here at midnight and can proudly say that my registration butt has been sitting on the same registration chair for 14+ hours today. Woot! Mitra has been right here with me the whole day; she is a total trooper. The good news is that this has been an ideal place to see people as they arrive on campus. Its been great to meet people in person after corresponding with them online for so many months! Ive taken a ton of pics which Ill post all at once early next week. Tomorrow should be a little more exciting for me activity-wise. Having paid my dues at the Registration Desk today, I get to float a bit more tomorrow. Looking forward to the EC bouncy ball drop (w/ strobe lights). :-) Below youll find todays pics although theyre mostly from the Registration Room, as thats where I was all day! Me, at the beginning of CPW, still with tons of evergy! :-) Mari, my guiardian angel. Matt Marilee. Me Mootmom. MoneyMan in rare form. Emily Mitra. Kelly, Lulu, Kledia, Mike Anthony check in. Me Ellen, with whom youve likely spoken if youve ever called our office. Finally free of the Reg Room, I was able to attend the welcome ceremony. Marilee is speaking in this pic followed by a performance from the Logs. Before heading back to the Reg Room for my second shift, I stopped by the Festival. Here some folks are making ice sculptures and liquid nitrogen ice cream.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Causative Verbs in English for ESL Learners

Causative verbs express an action which is caused to happen. In other words, when I have something done for me I cause it to happen. In other words, I do not actually do anything, but ask someone else to do it for me. This is the sense of causative verbs. Intermediate to advanced level English learners should study the causative verb as an alternative to the passive voice.  There are three causative verbs in English:  Make, Have  and  Get. Causative Verbs Explained Causative verbs express the idea of someone causing something to take place. Causative verbs can be similar in meaning to passive verbs. Here are some examples for your comparison: My hair was cut. (passive)I had my hair cut. (causative) In this example, the meaning is the same. Because its difficult to cut your own hair, its understood that someone else cut your hair. The car was washed. (passive)I got the car washed. (causative) These two sentences have a slight difference in meaning. In the first, its possible that the speaker washed the car. In the second, its clear that the speaker paid someone to wash the car.   Generally speaking, the passive voice is used to place emphasis on the action taken. Causatives place the stress on the fact that someone causes something to happen. Causative Verb Examples Jack had his house painted brown and gray.The mother made her son do extra chores because of his behavior.  She had Tom write up a report for the end of the week. The first sentence is similar in meaning to:  Someone painted Jacks house  OR  Jacks house was painted by someone.  The second sentence indicates that the mother caused the boy to take an action. In the third, someone told someone to do something. Makeas a Causative Verb Make as a causative verb expresses the idea that the person requires another person to do something. Subject Make Person Base Form of Verb Peter made her do her homework.The teacher made the students stay after class.The supervisor made the workers continue working in order to meet the deadline. Haveas a Causative Verb Have as a causative verb expresses the idea that the person wants something to be done for them. This causative verb is often used when speaking about various services. There are two forms of the causative verb have. Subject Have Person Base Form of Verb This form indicates that someone causes another person to take an action.  Have  someone do something  is often used to management and work relationships.   They had John arrive early.She had her children cook dinner for her.I had Peter pick up the evening newspaper. Subject Have Object Past Participle This form is used with services that are commonly paid for such as car washing, house painting, dog grooming, etc.   I had my hair cut last Saturday.She had the car washed at the weekend.Mary had the dog groomed at the local pet store.   Note: This form is similar in meaning to the passive. Getas a Causative Verb Get is used as a causative verb in a similar way as have is used with the participle. This expresses the idea that the person wants something to be done for them. The causative verb is often used in a more idiomatic manner than have. Subject Get Person Past Participle They got their house painted last week.Tom got his car washed yesterday.Alison got the painting appraised by an art dealer.   This form is also used for difficult tasks we manage to complete. In this case, there is no causative meaning.   I got the report finished last night.  She finally got her taxes done yesterday.I got the lawn done before dinner.   Have done = Get Done Have done  and  get done  have the same meaning when used to refer to paid services in the past. I had my car washed. I got my car washed.  She had her carpet cleaned. She got her carpet cleaned.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Gender Roles And How They Were Portrayed By Lorraine...

â€Å"You just wish sometimes that people would treat you like a human being rather than seeing your gender first and who you are second.†(O’Grady) Frances O’Gradys quote ties into the drama written by Lorraine Hansberry A Raisin In the Sun because throughout the entire movie there was many things said and some actions that showed gender defined who they were. The topic being discussed is gender roles and how they were portrayed in the movie. There will be a formalistic summary and the topic that will be discussed is gender roles through out the drama A Raisin In the Sun and how each character portrayed it. The setting of A Raisin In the Sun is the Chicago slums in the 1950’s. The point of view of the drama is dramatic point of view. The main family is the Youngers, in this family the main protagonists are Mama, Ruth, Beneatha, and Travis. In the beginning the protagonists Ruth and Walter are having some marital problems. They were fighting because Walter was a money hungry man who was stuck being a chauffeur. Later in the plot when Mama comes into the plot she nags about how Ruth is not raising Travis the right way and how Beneatha, the sister, dresses and how Walter acts. Later on when Mama gets her insurance check for her late husband s life insurance it causes a lot of problems and bumps in the plot. Beneatha wants to use the money for medical school, but Walter wants it for a liquor store. The climax of the story is after Mama gives Walter the money and tells himShow MoreRelatedGreat American Play By Lorraine Hansberry Essay1476 Words   |  6 PagesIntro: Opportunity and inequality have been portrayed in America since It’s existence. In this great American play written by Lorraine Hansberry, A Raisin in the Sun, Opportunity for the Younger family is being told without the death of a relative or family member, money will always be a complication when reaching for higher possibilities. As, said in the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence, â€Å"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.† But if all menRead MoreMale Vs Female : Playwrights Of The 1950 S2361 Words   |  10 PagesMale Vs Female Black Vs White: Playwrights of the 1950’s Lorraine Hansberry was the first Black woman to pen a Broadway play. In her writings, she wrote male characters, many of whom were male protagonists. Being the feminist that she was, many people saw Hansberry’s depiction of Black men in one of two ways; either as an unhappy retreat from her feminist concerns or as a negative representation of Black manhood. Throughout her career, in works such as â€Å"The Village Voice† and â€Å"Les Blancs† Hansberry’sRead MoreHow Storytelling Is A Link And Establishes Order Essay1945 Words   |  8 Pagestheir people. African-American writers sought to necessitate change throughout their writing. Through their storytelling, these writers have vividly portrayed the way African-Americans were mistreated, disenfranchise, their feelings toward oppressions, and their ability to endure despite it. African American Authors such as James Baldwin, Lorraine Hansberry, James Oliver Killen, Nora Zeale Hurston and Toni Morssion ad dress the issue of race in their writing. In this paper, I am going to discuss the similarities

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Minor members of the solar system Free Essays

Asteroids are small rocky bodies that have been likened to â€Å"flying mountains. † The largest, Ceres, is about 1000 kilometers in diameter, but most are only about 1 kilometer across. The smallest asteroids are assumed to be no larger than grains of sand. We will write a custom essay sample on Minor members of the solar system or any similar topic only for you Order Now Most asteroids lie between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. They have orbital periods of three to six years. Some asteroids have very eccentric orbits and travel very close to the sun, and a few larger ones regularly pass close to Earth and the moon. Many of the most recent impact craters on the moon and Earth were probably caused by collisions with asteroids. Many asteroids have irregular shapes. Because of this, planetary geologists first speculated that they might be fragments of a broken planet that once orbited between Mars and Jupiter. Others have hypothesized that several larger bodies once coexisted in close proximity, and their collisions produced numerous smaller ones. The existence of several families of asteroids has been used to support this explanation. COMETS Comets are the shining wanderers of the solar system. With their glowing tails that may stretch 100 million kilometers through space. Most comets reside in the outer fringes of the solar system, far beyond Pluto. For all their apparent size in the sky, comets are actually fairly small objects. When a comet begins its trip down past the Sun, it is probably a chunk of â€Å"dirty ice,† a mixture of rock dust and ice a few kilometers across, much smaller than the typical observed asteroid. As it speeds towards the Sun, the heat from the Sun evaporates the ice, and the gases thus released blow dust particles outward from the solid body or nucleus. Radiation from the Sun ionizes the released atoms, producing a tail that glows in the sky like a neon sign; the dust particles reflect sunlight and form another, smoother tail. But not all develop a tail that extends for millions of kilometers. The fact that the tail of a comet points away from the sun in a slightly curved manner led early astronomers to propose that the sun has a repulsive force that pushes the particles of the coma away, thus forming the tail. The tails seem white to the eye, but color photography reveals that the ionized gas tail is blue and the dust tail yellow. The small nucleus, the only even near-permanent part of a comet, is surrounded by the coma or head of the comet, a large, hazy structure formed by the liberated gas and dust. Of the 100 billion comets that may exist, less than 1000 have been observed thus far as they make the long Journey down to the heat of the Sun. Halley’s is one of the best-known and brightest comets others are the Oort cloud which are comets that appear to be distributed in all directions trom the sun, torming a spherical shell around the solar system. METEOROIDS Often referred to as a â€Å"shooting star. This streak of light occurs when a meteoroid enters the Earth’s atmosphere. A meteoroid is a small solid particle that travels through space. Most meteoroids originate from any one of the following three sources: (1) Interplanetary debris that was not gravitationally swept up by the planets during the formation of the solar system (2) Material from the asteroid belt, (3) The solid remains of comets that once traveled near Earth’s orbit. A few meteoroids are believed to be fragments of the moon, or possibly Mars, that were ejected when an asteroid impacted these bodies. Some meteoroids are as large as steroids. Most, however, are the size of sand grains. Consequently, they vaporize before reaching Earth’s surface. Those that do enter Earth’s atmosphere and burn up are called meteors. The light that we see is caused by friction between the particle and the air, which produces heat. Occasionally, meteor sightings can reach 60 or more per hour. These displays, called meteor showers, result when earth encounters a swarm of meteoroids traveling in the same direction and at nearly the same speed as Earth. A meteoroid that actually reaches Earth’s surface is called a meteorite. How to cite Minor members of the solar system, Papers

Friday, May 1, 2020

Oddysey Essay Example For Students

Oddysey Essay Telemachus is unsure about his role as prince. He has always been told he is Odysseus son, but it isnt etched in stone. His mother could be deceiving him all along. Telemachus is still a young boy and is trying to grow into an adult. He has the potential to become a worthy king. This would be a very difficult task with no one that supports or loves you. Even the finest leaders need help and acceptance from others. He has to learn to work together with the people of his palace and turn it into something great. This is like the food chain one animal has to have the other animals or they wouldnt survive. Someone should take the head position and Telemachus is the one. Telemachus obviously believes Odysseys is his father, or else he would have never left to try and find him. His whole life has been centered around his father, and the great legend that he was. These are some big shoes for Telemachus to fill and he is hoping that Athena will guide him on the right path. Antinous how can I drive my mother from our house against her will, the one who bore me, reared me too. My father is worlds away, dead or alive, who knows imagine the high price Id have to pay Icarius if all on my own I send my mother home. Oh what I would suffer from her father. These are the only people Telemachus has known, and whether or not they are his family he will stick by them to the end. They may have some problems, but Telemachus is willing to deal with whatever comes his way. Fit out a ship with twenty oars, the best in sight, sail in quest of news of your long-lost father. First go down to Pylos, question old King Nestor, then cross over to Sparta, to red-haired Menelaus, of all the bronze-armored Achaeans the last man back. Now, if you hear your fathers alive and heading home, hard pressed as you are, brave out one more year. If you hear hes dead, no longer among the living, then back you come to the native land you love, raise his grave-mound, build his honors high with the full funera l rites that he deserves, and give your mother to another husband. This passage explains Telemachus and his whole dilemma. He is in search of the truth. In his journey Telemachus is going to encounter many difficulties, but he will also find out what really happened to his father. Telemachus has a hole in his life that needs to be repaired. By leaving on his mission and trying to bring closure to his story Telemachus will finally know the answer to his fathers whereabouts. His voyage will also help him to become a grown man that can take charge when other people are in need. Furthermore his actions will give him courage and strength to get rid of the suitors. They are plaguing his mother, yet nothing is being done. Hopefully Telemachus will realize what an important figure he is and take control of the task ahead. His father was a powerful and just man, and Telemachus has these same traits inside himself. He opts to be passive and complain about his problem to anyone with a willing ear. The suitors are enjoying themselves in his fathers palace and disgracing his honor. Telemachus should not let this madness go on any longer. There is only one thing holding back the true self of Telemachus and that is inspiration. All he needs is a push, and he receives this strength from the powerful godess Athena. She urges him to do what is right by taking action and trying to resolve his familys long hardship. Telemachus will only know the truth when he finds his father. His journey will be rough, yet in the end his dilemma will finally be resolved. .ub46c3f42500ae8904b78f7ca437a4d80 , .ub46c3f42500ae8904b78f7ca437a4d80 .postImageUrl , .ub46c3f42500ae8904b78f7ca437a4d80 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub46c3f42500ae8904b78f7ca437a4d80 , .ub46c3f42500ae8904b78f7ca437a4d80:hover , .ub46c3f42500ae8904b78f7ca437a4d80:visited , .ub46c3f42500ae8904b78f7ca437a4d80:active { border:0!important; } .ub46c3f42500ae8904b78f7ca437a4d80 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub46c3f42500ae8904b78f7ca437a4d80 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub46c3f42500ae8904b78f7ca437a4d80:active , .ub46c3f42500ae8904b78f7ca437a4d80:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub46c3f42500ae8904b78f7ca437a4d80 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub46c3f42500ae8904b78f7ca437a4d80 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub46c3f42500ae8904b78f7ca437a4d80 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub46c3f42500ae8904b78f7ca437a4d80 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub46c3f42500ae8904b78f7ca437a4d80:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub46c3f42500ae8904b78f7ca437a4d80 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub46c3f42500ae8904b78f7ca437a4d80 .ub46c3f42500ae8904b78f7ca437a4d80-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub46c3f42500ae8904b78f7ca437a4d80:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Day of Impending Doom: School Again Essay